Connecting for Love with Ease!

Magical Meeting

Connecting for Love

Here are Five Strategies to Help You Connect for Love.

Connecting for love with your soulmate is easy when you have the right template!

If you have trouble connecting for love with those you find attractive (most likely to be your soulmate), this will really hold you back from finding love.  When you have the right energy about yourself, love comes to you and connecting for love is easy because you are up to speed with dating.    I affirm you find love using these wonderful practices. I am a certified in love attraction and can help you!  It’s all about elevating your energy to a good level so that connecting is easy for you – even with those you find hot.  I intend that you see connecting for love as an activity that’s fun!

By most definitions, dating is the process of getting to know someone to determine if there is a potential for a love relationship. The approaches to dating often stem from the cultures we are raised in and their traditions about courtship, and marriage.

 No matter your background, culture, circumstances or perceived limitations, you are loveable, you get love and you can connect for love with ease. 

Here are Five Energy Tools to help you Succeed in Connecting for Love!

Step 1 – Change your Self Concept

First, make a list of why you’re special. We are all divine beings spending time on earth until we go back to the eternal from which we come. Each of us is unique and part of the whole of what is in this vast Universe. You didn’t make yourself; you were created. Make a list of why you are special and what makes you unique.  Ask yourself what have people told me they appreciated about me?  For example;  are you a good listener? Do you have a great smile, great sense of humor, are you thoughtful, have great hands, are you interesting, creative, energetic, a wonderful conversationalist? What has your Grandparent loved about you? What would your dog or cat say about you if they could talk “human”? What have your teachers complimented you on?


Connecting for Love by Boosting Yourself Up!

Step 2 – Reprogram yourself

Second, affirm your special qualities and reprogram your mind with the attributes that make you loveable.  Importantly, you need to affirm your loveable qualities out loud daily for 30 days.  Gradually, you will begin to feel differently about yourself and lighter about dating.  Moreover, you can use my guided meditation to help you reprogram your subconscious mind to invite love to you as well.  Here is the link;

Post your new self concept where you can see it.   Make a screen saver on your computer with your special qualities.  Write your affirmations on sticky notes and post them around the home, on mirrors, in drawers and in your car on your dashboard.   You are divine love in human form.  Also, no matter your background, what you think you got right or not, what you’ve lived through, what you think you have or don’t have, you are enough. Without a doubt, this is a belief to cultivate.

Personal Growth

Connecting for Love by changing your self concept

By making this list and affirming these attributes repeatedly, you change the energy you exude and interact with life and others differently. It’s a practice. Affirm out loud while you look in the mirror or while you cook or make your bed. A lot of us knew we were special as children. We know we were magical. We knew life was meant to be fun and we just wanted more fun, more fun, and then more fun. Remember?
Take your power back and define yourself as worthy, special, unique and a catch Intend to make it joyful to meet people, date, and have love.  Commit to your vision for love.

If you have questions and would like more support, I invite you to email me and get my help.

Also, I recommend you get a journal as you build your self-concept and notice any ways you may feel like love does not work out for you. Write down any negative self talk.  When you notice those inner limits, say, “I no longer believe those lies.  I get love and I am loveable.  I meet interesting people all the time.  I am special and my soulmate can’t see passed me.”

Bring a journal with you during your day

Connecting for love with journaling and scripting

Step 3 – Dis Rejection

Third, there is no rejection. There is only a wrong fit.  You knew this when you were a kid. You didn’t take things personally. Remember it now.  You’re simply connecting to determine if you want to explore the connection more.  A note about vulnerability:  you can’t connect for love and not be vulnerable.  You have to be yourself.  If you meet someone and it’s not the right fit, move on.  Let the other person know “I’m not feeling the chemistry.”  That’s ok.  That frees them up to find their right fit.  If you like someone and they don’t follow up with you, think of it as the divine protecting you from the wrong person.  There is no rejection, only a wrong fit.

Step 4 –   Do not make others your Source of Good

In addition, no one person, job, connection, or circumstance is your source. Your source is your creator.  Knowing this helps you realize, nothing is make or break. It frees you up to rely on your source to meet your needs and fill you up. You fill you up and then share your energy with others. You are not desperate.  If you exude desperation, you’ll repel people.  Expectations will kill any connection.

Clearly, creating a new self concept boosts confidence!   I hope you see how important it is to develop and own a good self-concept. There is no one in the world exactly like you.

Step 5 – Feel good, then connect

Finally, you are ready to connect!  When you’re feeling rested and content, it’s time to be open to others.  With your self concept firmly established, start to socialize with those you find interesting.  No need to talk to those you don’t prefer.

For example: you could ask about a dish on the menu if you are at a restaurant. Give the person you’re connecting with your sincere attention and look into their eyes with warmth, unattached to any agenda. Everyone needs kindness. Smile at them and hold their gaze. Let them respond to you.  You talk then they talk.  No over giving.  Additionally, If you think you would enjoy getting to know the person better, give them your card and say, “It was great meeting you, email me if you’d like to catch up again.” Give them a way to follow up.  Then, move on at that point. People always want something that is rare and precious.

You are a catch and have lots of people vying for our attention so you don’t need to hang on to any one interaction. When you practice your new love template and connect when you’re feeling good, you do get people vying for your attention because self confidence is attractive.

Connecting for Love Online

Without a doubt, the internet has changed the way we interact.  Recent studies show that couples meet online more than ever. You can use the internet to meet your soulmate too if you like. It’s a channel, not your source. Remember, many channels, one source. That means it’s a tool to interact with others just like being introduced by friends or meeting at the grocery store.  I think that helps take the pressure off of the results. This is especially true with internet dating. There are a lot of scammers on the internet.  That’s true. But don’t let that deter you. Be savvy about your internet meeting.

Make a profile that represents your essence. You want to meet your special someone. That person is your match spiritually. So, you want to represent yourself authentically online. That’s what someone is going to find attractive, and it will come through in your profile when you highlight your attributes.  Use a regular photo, not a professional headshot – it’s not an interview for a job.  Furthermore, I would suggest not having pictures with other people in them either. It’s easier for people to focus on you when there is only you in the profile. You can use a selfie.

Sometimes people will use the internet exclusively to meet others and when nothing is happening, online they think nothing is moving in their love life. That’s why I reiterate, it’s a channel, NOT your source.   Your love life IS moving forward.  YOU ARE in a dynamic process.  You set the intention for love and are building momentum to connect for love.  Just like a seed you plant, your love life will continue blooming as you keep weeding any negativity and fertilizing your new beliefs and patterns.

When you make a connection online, set a time to meet in person as soon as you can.  Internet dating works best when used for introductions followed by in person meetings.  Besides, you’re not looking for a pen pal.

Connecting for love is natural when you build new beliefs and patterns about love and yourself.    If nothing is panning out on the internet, back off it and meet people in other ways. It’s not your indicator of success in your love life.  Remember, connect for love online only when you’re feeling content.  That way, you’re using the momentum of the universal law attraction.

Learn more about developing grit to attract your soulmate in my article in Healthy Living Central Florida.

Nothing can keep you from your soulmate. The end result is assured.  Practice connecting for love from this space and have fun!  You can contact me for more information, to get on my newsletter and for my help.    I would be honored to support you and hold your hand step by step toward love with your soulmate.  I used this process to attract love with my soulmate and so have many, many others.

Go deeper with connecting for love and gain more insights here.

I’m blessing you with ease and grace in all your connecting!


Deborah DIppolito, C.L.A.C.

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