What’s Your Story?
#1 Way to Create a New Reality With Your Thinking
Dance the Music of Your Soul will show you what you need to power up your purpose and live a life of meaning! You’ll learn thinking strategies and practices to shift your energy and align with what you love. You’re meant to realize your dreams. Dance the Music of Your Soul will help you change limiting beliefs that keep you from expanding and realizing your potential.
In this book you will:
- Dance the Music of Your Soul will help you understand how your mind works and teach you skills to master a positive mindset that supports your success.
- Get clear on your core values and passions and design your life purpose and dreams.
- Learn to harness your human imagination to create your reality.
- Learn to shift from being an externally focused person to an internally directed person who energetically realizes the spiritual essence of your vision.
- Learn to flow with the divine and co create your life.
- Dance the Music of Your Soul will help you change limiting beliefs that keep you from expanding and realizing your potential.
- Gain clarity, increase happiness and expand your energy into a life you love living!
About the Author

“Believe in the unseen.”
Dance the Music of Your Soul
Realize the Vision Calling You
Chapter 1 “Know Your Power”
Talks about the soul as the human’s connection to its source of everything, the creator.
Chapter 2 “The Imagination Governs Your Reality”
Teaches the reader to create mental images of their desires to create what they want.
Chapter 3 “Design Your Vision”
Shows the reader how to choose in favor of define their vision.
Chapter 4 “Congruence”
Helps the reader to form a vision that aligns with their core values.
Chapter 5 “Engage Your Dream”
Teaches the reader to create a physical display that represents the life they’re assuming.
Chapter 6 “Enjoy Your Vision”
Shows the reader to energetically be in their dream as if it’s now realized.
Chapter 7 “Transcend Limits”
Give the reader tools to reprogram their subconscious mind.
Chapter 8 “Embrace Inspiration”
Shows the reader how to act on divine tugs to expand in flow with the creator.
Chapter 9 “Live in the Realized Dream”
Encouraged the reader to persist in owning the vision and living from it regardless of appearances.